The Anchored Accessory Bike Anchor Issue

This comment, in a way, holds true. The bald actuality that common, accustomed contemporary kids are benumbed bikes fabricated for antagonism (but NOT antagonism them in academic competition) is affectionate of acrid is, at its core, ironic. True, a anchored accessory is added able from a physics standpoint; however, how able does your busline charge to be to ride 3 blocks bottomward to the liquor abundance to aces up a accessible case of PBR? That altercation aside, abacus a anchor into the irony of benumbed a fixie aloof muddies the abstention of benumbed and owning a anchored gear. That's because if you're activity to go fixed, you bigger apperceive how to ride fixed. This agency alive how to use the technology of a anchored bike to its abounding advantage. A anchor is basically a training caster - a crutch. When you accept a anchored accessory bike, the bald technology allows you to stop after one. A non-fixed bike doesn't accept this luxury. It NEEDS a anchor to stop in any manner. But we're not talking about non fixies.

So a brake, back it's basically a training wheel, is in no way fashionable. It's a assurance of weakness - and who wants to attending weak? There are assurance advantages to accepting a anchor on anchored accessory bikes, but it's not a call to stop. However, accumulation a anchored accessory bike with a anchor does accomplish it abundant easier to stop.