Best Bay Area Bike Shops of 2010

The additional affair I like about Public Bikes is the alley back you aboriginal enter. It's not abounding of bike accessories, aloof wall-mounted annual racks abounding of books and magazines, some of which are not anon accompanying to bicycles. This is hardly the adamantine advertise storefront. It feels added like a library at first.

Once inside, you are advised to a dispersed but affected affectation of bikes and accessories. Some of the accessories are absolutely unique. For instance, they accept bike helmets bearded as hats. The helmets accept bolt captivated about them to abbreviate that assurance beatnik attending that so abounding cyclists assume to hate.

The final affair I like about Public is the Public Bike itself. At aboriginal glance, it looks like aloof addition athletic driver bike: ample seats, aerial handlebars, lots of fenders and racks. However, best arresting to me is the centralized alive that abounding of these bikes feature. They use Shimano's Nexus centralized alive hub in 3 and 5 acceleration versions. These are not the lightest bikes but the affected alive is actual cool.

For appearance of a altered sort, I like to appointment Manifesto. It's centrally amid in a collapsed allotment of Oakland so it is accessible to get to by bike. It is additionally accurately anchored abutting to a abundant espresso bar and a nice array of added absorbing shops. Perhaps all this is why cyclists tend to besiege here.