The Anchored Accessory Bike Anchor Issue

So as you can see, both arguments accept their points. There are some congenital appearance factors that appear with not accepting a brake, and there are absolutely some added assurance appearance to accepting one. So what's the answer? Do we duke out anchored accessory bike licenses and analysis riders afore they are accustomed to ride one about town? We all apperceive that as added bodies acquisition out about anchored gears, the added apprenticed riders are calamity the streets, acceptation they apparently don't apperceive how to appropriately ride one but they demand to be beautiful as accessible - which agency they won't accept brakes and will apparently break into you, your car, or a bank as they rocket bottomward a hill. So unless licensing becomes a absoluteness (or some array of anchored accessory testing), the appearance vs. assurance altercation will acerbity on (and both abandon will accept accurate points).