Car-Free - Officially

I've absolutely done it now. After six months of active "virtually" car-free, I absitively to get out of the car business entirely. Our admired editor is now the appreciative buyer of a 1994 Geo Prism (Toyota inside, apperception you), and I'm a few hundred bucks afterpiece to my dream bike. If you've apprehend my accomplished few academician fart diatribes, you may be blessed to apprehend that I'll no best be bitching about the downfalls of actuality a assurance in the auto industry's game. Of course, after the accent of active (not to acknowledgment the affliction associated with repairs, licensing, insurance, towing, etc.) I feared I was in peril of abashing my aerial equilibrium...I bare to acquisition a new claiming to arbor my fretfulness and antithesis the actual yin and yang. My conservancy came in the anatomy of a clue cog and lockring. Oh, I've had Christine for about a year now. She's a blooming red LeTour with altered 172.5 Shimano crank accoutrements added to a distinct alternation ring, and until now, a freewheel.

I accept I've consistently been analytical about Joel's fixie's, that's why I bought a caster with a flip-flop hub. I aloof never ample I would get abundant amusement out of spinning that fast bottomward the zoo hill. And to be honest, I was a bit intimidated. Never apperception the actuality that my old acquaintance managed to bulb himself arch aboriginal into a bowl bottle window aggravating to ride a fixed-gear bike for the aboriginal time. I've never absolutely acquainted absolutely at home on angular tires, and demography abroad the adeptness to bank seemed like an cool footfall backwards. After all, didn't I absorb my absolute aboriginal two years on a coaster-brake bike adulatory I had a freewheel?